Connect batteries with only the same nominal voltage.
Always use booster cables with insulated clamps and adequate size cable.
Do not disconnect the battery from the vehicle’s electrical system.
To connect the booster cables
Flat battery vehicle A Booster battery vehicle B Positive connection cable C Negative connection cable D
1. Position the vehicles so that they do not touch one another.
2. Switch off the engine and any electrical equipment.
3. Connect the positive (+) terminal of vehicle B with the positive (+) terminal of vehicle A (cable C).
4. Connect the negative (-) terminal of vehicle B to the ground connection of vehicle A (cable D. See Battery connection points.
Do not connect to the negative (–) terminal of the flat battery.
Make sure that the cables are clear of any moving parts.
To start the engine
1. Run the engine of vehicle B at moderately high speed.
2. Start the engine of vehicle A.
3. Run both vehicles for a minimum of three minutes before disconnecting the cables.
Do not switch on the headlamps when disconnecting the cables. The peak voltage could blow the bulbs.
Disconnect the cables in the reverse order.
Ford Focus Safety Belt Maintenance
WARNING: All safety
belt components must be inspected and corrected as part of any collision repair.
Inspect all safety belt components as prescribed by Safety Belt Inspection and Repair
After a Collision found in Section 501-20A General Procedures of this manual. Failure
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