Ford Focus manuals

Ford Focus Service Manual: Selector Lever Knob

Item Part Number Description
1 5404567 Center console trim cover
2 7C453 Transmission Control Switch (TCS) electrical connector
3 Selector lever knob shroud (part of 7L010)
4 W701894-S437 Selector lever knob screws
5 7L010 Selector lever knob


  1. Remove the center console trim cover.
    1. Lift the arm rest.
    1. Apply the parking brake.
    1. Lift the center console trim cover straight up, remove the emergency brake lever from the boot and remove the trim cover.

  1. NOTE:

    Selector lever assembly removed for clarity.

    Disconnect the Transmission Control Switch (TCS) electrical connector.

  1. Using a suitable tool, slide the selector lever knob shroud down.

  1. Remove the selector lever knob screws, selector lever knob and the shroud.


  1. Route the wiring harness through the selector lever bezel and position the selector lever knob and shroud onto the selector lever.

  1. Install the 2 selector lever knob screws.
    • Tighten to 2 Nm (18 lb-in).

  1. Slide the selector lever knob shroud up.

  1. NOTE:

    Selector lever assembly removed for clarity.

    Connect the TCS electrical connector.

  1. Install the center console trim cover.

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