Using Output State Control and Accessing PIDs
To confirm that the output state control value was sent by the scan tool and the PCM has accepted the output state control substitution, a corresponding PID or PIDs for each output state control parameter should be monitored. Additional PIDs should be monitored to help the technician adequately diagnose the transaxle.
The following is a list of output state control parameters and their corresponding PIDs:
Output State Control Parameter | Corresponding PID | PID Description |
SSA # | SSA | SSA Commanded ON/OFF |
SSB # | SSB | SSB Commanded ON/OFF |
PCA # | PCA | PCA Commanded Pressure (psi) |
SSC # | SSC | SSC Commanded Duty Cycle (%) |
SSD # | SSD | SSD Commanded Duty Cycle (%) |
SSE # | SSE | SSE Commanded Duty Cycle (%) |
GEAR | GEAR | Commanded Trans Gear (Use In DRIVE) |
GEAR_OSC # | GEAR_OSC | Gear Commanded Control Status Requested By Output State Control: PCM = Scheduled by PCM, output state control not in control 1 = 1st gear commanded by output state control 2 = 2nd gear commanded by output state control 3 = 3rd gear commanded by output state control 4 = 4th gear commanded by output state control |
TCC # | TCC | Torque Converter Commanded Duty Cycle |
HRSH_SFT # | HRSH_SFT | Harsh Shift Control Status Requested By output state control: OFF = HARSH SHIFT MODE not commanded by output state control ON = HARSH SHIFT MODE commanded by output state control |
To confirm that the output state control substitution occurred, command the output state control value and monitor the corresponding PID value. If the value of the corresponding PID is the same as the value sent from output state control, then the output state control substitution was successful.
The following general PID list may be of use to the technician when exercising output state control:
PIDs | PID Description |
APP1 | Accelerator Pedal Position 1 |
APP2 | Accelerator Pedal Position 2 |
BOO1 | Brake On Off |
BOO2 | Brake On Off |
GEAR | GEAR Commanded State |
GEAR_RAT | Gear Ratio |
IAT | Intake Air Temperature |
LINEDSD # | Line Pressure Control Desired |
OSS_F | Output Shaft Speed Fault |
OSS_SRC | Unfiltered Output Shaft Speed |
PCA # | Pressure Control Solenoid A |
PCA AMP # | Pressure Control Solenoid A Amperage |
PCA_F | Pressure Control Solenoid A Fault |
RPM # | Engine Revolutions Per Minute |
SSA # | Shift Solenoid A |
SSB # | Shift Solenoid B |
SSC # | Shift Solenoid C |
SSD # | Shift Solenoid D |
SSE # | Shift Solenoid E |
SSPCA_F | Shift Solenoid A Fault Status |
SSPCB_F | Shift Solenoid B Fault Status |
SSPCC_F | Shift Solenoid C Fault Status |
SSPCD_F | Shift Solenoid D Fault Status |
SSPCE_F | Shift Solenoid E Fault Status |
TC_SLIPACT | Torque Converter Slip Actual |
TCC | Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid |
TCC # | Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid Commanded State |
TCC_RAT | Torque Converter Speed Ratio (RPM/TSS) |
TCIL | Transmission Control Indicator Lamp |
TCS_DEPRES | Transmission Control Switch Depressed |
TCS_STATE | Transmission Control Switch State |
TFT | Transmission Fluid Temperature |
TFTV | Transmission Fluid Temperature Voltage |
TFT_F | Transmission Fluid Temperature Fault |
TP | Throttle Position Sensor |
TP1 | Throttle Position 1 |
TP2 | Throttle Position 2 |
TQ_CNTRL | Torque Control (Torque Fuel/Spark Limiting Status) |
TRAN_VOLT_A | Actuator Supply Voltage A Control State |
TRD | Digital Transmission Range Sensor Drive |
TR_F | Transmission Range Status Fault |
TRL | Digital Transmission Range Sensor Low |
TRN | Digital Transmission Range Sensor Neutral |
TRP | Digital Transmission Range Sensor Park |
TRR | Digital Transmission Range Sensor Reverse |
TRAN_RAT | Transmission Slip Ratio |
TSS_F | Turbine Shaft Speed Fault |
TSS_SRC | Unfiltered Turbine Shaft Speed Sensor |
VPWR | Vehicle Buffered Power |
VREF | Module Reference Voltage |
VSOUT_F | Vehicle Speed Sensor Output Fault |
VSS | Vehicle Speed (MPH) |
Ford Focus Transaxle Description
The 4F27E is a fully automatic, electronically controlled 4-speed transaxle designed
for Front Wheel Drive (FWD) vehicles.
Its abbreviated designation 4F27E means:
4 — 4-speed transmission
27 — originally designed for maximum input torque after torque converter:
365 N ...