Ford Focus manuals

Ford Focus Service Manual: Crankshaft Front Seal

Special Tool(s)

Installer, Camshaft Front Oil Seal 303-096 (T74P-6150-A)

Remover, Oil Seal
303-409 (T92C-6700-CH)

Item Specification
Motorcraft® SAE 5W-20 Premium Synthetic Blend Motor Oil (US); Motorcraft® SAE 5W-20 Super Premium Motor Oil (Canada) XO-5W20-QSP (US); CXO-5W20-LSP12 (Canada) WSS-M2C945-A


NOTICE: Do not loosen or remove the crankshaft pulley bolt without first installing the special tools as instructed in this procedure. The crankshaft pulley and the crankshaft timing sprocket are not keyed to the crankshaft. The crankshaft, the crankshaft sprocket and the pulley are fitted together by friction, using diamond washers between the flange faces on each part. For that reason, the crankshaft sprocket is also unfastened if the pulley bolt is loosened. Before any repair requiring loosening or removal of the crankshaft pulley bolt, the crankshaft and camshafts must be locked in place by the special service tools, otherwise severe engine damage can occur.

NOTICE: During engine repair procedures, cleanliness is extremely important. Any foreign material, including any material created while cleaning gasket surfaces, that enters the oil passages, coolant passages or the oil pan can cause engine failure.

  1. Remove the crankshaft pulley. For additional information, refer to Lower End Components — Exploded View and Crankshaft Pulley in this section.
  1. NOTICE: Use care not to damage the engine front cover or the crankshaft when removing the seal.

    Using the Oil Seal Remover, remove the crankshaft front oil seal.


  1. NOTE:

    Remove the through-bolt from the Camshaft Front Oil Seal Installer.


    Lubricate the oil seal with clean engine oil.

    Using the Camshaft Front Oil Seal Installer, install the crankshaft front oil seal.

  1. Install the crankshaft pulley. For additional information, refer to Lower End Components — Exploded View and Crankshaft Pulley in this section.
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