Ford Focus manuals

Ford Focus Service Manual: Cooling System Flushing

Special Tool(s)

Drain Kit

Flush Kit
164-R3658 or equivalent

Pro Flush and Fill 023-00154 or equivalent

Item Specification
Motorcraft® Premium Cooling System Flush VC-1 ESR-M14P7-A
  1. Add Premium Cooling System Flush to the cooling system and follow the directions on the package.
  1. WARNING: Always
    allow the engine to cool before opening the cooling system. Do not unscrew the coolant pressure relief cap when the engine is operating or the cooling system is hot. The cooling system is under pressure; steam and hot liquid can come out forcefully when the cap is loosened slightly. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious personal injury.

    Drain the cooling system. For additional information, refer to Cooling System Draining, Filling and Bleeding in this section.

  1. Remove the thermostat. For additional information, refer to Thermostat Housing in this section.
  1. Install the water hose connection without the thermostat.
  1. NOTE:

    Refer to the cooling system Pro Flush and Fill operating instructions for specific vehicle hook-up.

    Use cooling system Pro Flush and Fill, Flush Kit and Drain Kit to flush the engine and radiator.

  1. Install the thermostat. For additional information, refer to Thermostat Housing in this section.
  1. Fill the cooling system. For additional information, refer to Cooling System Draining, Filling and Bleeding in this section.
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