Ford Focus manuals

Ford Focus Service Manual: Transaxle

Special Tool(s)

Alignment Tool, Transmission Range Sensor 307-415

205-153 (T80T-4000-W)

Handle, Torque Converter 307-091 (T81P-7902-C)

Holding Tool, Final Drive Input Gear 307-413

Installer, Axle Oil Seal 205-259 (T87P-3254-A)

Installer, Differential Bearing Cup 205-118 (T77F-4222-A)

Installer, Differential Fluid Seal 307-256 (T92P-77000-FH)

Installer, Drive Pinion Bearing Cone 205-005 (T53T-4621-C)

Installer, Drive Pinion Bearing Cup 205-024 (T67P-4616-A)

Installer, Output Shaft Seal 307-572

Installer, Transfer Gear Bearing Cup 307-418

Mounting Bracket, Transmission 307-410

Plate, Bearing/Oil Seal 205-090 (T75L-1165B)

Retainer, Torque Converter 307-346 (T97T-7902-A)

Select Gauge, Transmission Band 307-416

Shim Gauge, Differential/Transfer Gear Bearing 307-417

Shim Selection Set 308-161 (T88C-77000-C)

Shim Selection Set 308-164 (T88C-77000-JF)

Socket, Final Drive Input Nut 307-414

Wrench Guide Plate 307-420

Item Specification
Motorcraft® MERCON® LV Automatic Transmission Fluid XT-10-QLVC (US); CXT-10-LV12 (Canada) MERCON® LV
Thread Sealant with PTFE TA-24 WSK-M2G350-A2
Threadlock and Sealer TA-25 WSK-M2G351-A5
Ultra Silicone Sealant TA-29

Converter Housing with Converter Assembly and Pump Assembly

Item Part Number Description
1 7902 Converter assembly
2 1177 Seal assembly — differential
3 Output Shaft Speed (OSS) sensor bolt
4 7H103 OSS sensor
5 W706315-S300 O-ring — OSS sensor
6 Bolt — converter housing
7 Retainer — fluid tube
8 7005 Converter housing
9 7A248 Seal — pump
10 7A248 Seal assembly — pump
11 Bolt — pump
12 7A103 Pump assembly
13 7D019 Seals — forward clutch cylinder
14 7H042 Washer — pump support thrust

Forward Clutch

Item Part Number Description
1 7F207 Shaft assembly — turbine
2 7A262 Piston assembly — forward clutch
3 7F235 Spring assembly — forward piston return
4 7H360 Piston — forward clutch balance
5 7H365 Snap ring — forward clutch balance piston
6 7B442 Steel plates — forward clutch separator (4 required)
7 7B164 Friction plate assembly — forward clutch (4 required)
8 7B066 Plate — forward/direct clutch pressure (1 each)
9 7D483 Retaining ring (selective)
10 7B067 Hub — forward clutch cylinder

Differential Assembly and Final Drive Input

Item Part Number Description
1 4067 Shim — differential bearing
2 4222 Cups — differential bearing
3 4221 Cone and roller assemblies
4 4221 Bearing assemblies
5 7H150 Wheel — Output Shaft Speed (OSS) sensor
6 7F465 Differential and gear assembly — transaxle
7 4230 Pinion thrust washers (2 required)
8 4215 Differential pinion gears (2 required)
9 4236 Differential side gears (2 required)
10 4228 Side gear thrust washers (2 required)
11 4241 Pin
12 4211 Differential pinion shaft
13 7H367 Shim — transfer shaft roller bearing
14 7H344 Cups — transfer shaft roller
15 7170 Cone and roller assemblies
16 7H338 Bearing assemblies — transfer shaft (2 required)
17 7H348 Transfer shaft gear assembly
18 7L267 Funnel — transfer shaft
19 7F342 Gear — final drive input
20 7M102 Cone and roller assemblies
21 7C236 Bearing cups
22 7F403 Bearing assemblies (2 required)
23 7H369 Spacer
24 7H106 Retainer ring
25 7B364 Nut

Clutches and Planet Gears

Item Part Number Description
1 7A262 Piston — low/reverse clutch
2 7B070 Spring — low/reverse clutch return
3 7D171 Race — low One-Way Clutch (OWC) — inner
4 7D483 Retaining ring — low OWC
5 7B070 Spring — low/reverse clutch wave
6 7B442 Steel plates — low/reverse clutch separator (5 required)
7 7B164 Friction plate assembly — low/reverse clutch (5 required)
8 7B066 Pressure plate — low/reverse clutch
9 7D483 Retaining ring — low/reverse clutch plate (selective)
10 7H199 Retainer — low gear OWC
11 7A089 OWC assembly — low
12 7D483 Retaining ring
13 7D392 Front ring gear
14 7A398 Gear assembly — front planet
15 7H375 Bearing assembly — front planet carrier thrust
16 7H362 Snap ring
17 7A399 Front planet sun gear assembly
18 7H337 Bearing assembly — front sun gear thrust
19 7D006 Gear assembly — rear planet
20 7H361 Snap ring

Clutches and Band

Item Part Number Description
1 7D483 Retaining ring — reverse clutch
2 7A019 Rear sun gear assembly
3 7C041 Thrust bearing assembly — rear sun gear
4 7H351 Direct clutch hub assembly
5 7D483 Retaining ring
6 7B066 Pressure plate — forward/direct clutch (1 each)
7 7B164 Friction plate assembly — forward/direct clutch (forward 4, direct 3)
8 7B442 Steel plates — direct clutch (3 required)
9 7H363 Snap ring — direct clutch balanced piston
10 7H359 Direct clutch balanced piston
11 7F235 Piston return spring assembly — forward/direct clutch
12 7A262 Piston assembly — direct clutch
13 7H335 Thrust bearing assembly — direct clutch
14 7F283 Cylinder assembly — direct clutch
15 7D483 Retaining ring — reverse clutch (selective)
16 7B066 Pressure plate — reverse clutch
17 7B442 Steel plates — reverse clutch (2 required)
18 7B164 Friction plate assembly — reverse clutch (2 required)
19 7H075 Spring retainer ring — reverse clutch
20 7D406 Spring retainer — reverse clutch
21 7B070 Piston return spring — reverse clutch
22 7D402 Piston assembly — reverse clutch
23 7D044 Drum assembly — intermediate and overdrive
24 7D034 Band assembly — intermediate and overdrive

Main Control Assembly

Item Part Number Description
1 7D142 Valve assembly — manual control
2 7F194 Plates — spring retainer (7 required)
3 7H140 Springs — bypass clutch control (4 required)
4 7G179 Valve — bypass clutch control
5 7K720 Spring — modulation valve
6 7G408 Valve — line pressure modulator
7 W500100 Bolts M6 x 30 (3 required)
8 W705271 Bolt M6 x 63 (5 required)
9 7N266 Seals — valve body
10 W705271 Bolt M6 x 60 (5 required)
11 7A092 Body — control valve upper
12 7Z490 Separator plate and gasket assembly
13 7A101 Body — control valve lower
14 7R294 Stop — main regulator valve
15 7F445 Clip — throttle valve plunger sleeve
16 7A270 Spring — main fluid pressure regulator valve
17 7C338 Valve — main fluid pressure regulator
18 7G411 Spring — solenoid regulator valve
19 7H392 Valve — shift solenoid
20 7D400 Spring — intermediate servo accumulator
21 7D398 Piston — intermediate servo accumulator
22 7G408 Valve — converter pressure relief
23 7G316 Spring — converter regulator valve
24 7M040 Valve — lock-up control
25 7Z490 Gasket — solenoid body
26 7G179 Valve — low/reverse shift
27 7M040 Valve — 3-4 shift
28 7H148 Shift Solenoid B (SSB) (on/off) valve
29 7H148 Shift Solenoid A (SSA) (on/off) valve
30 7G383 Line Pressure Control (LPC)
31 7G484 Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) solenoid valve Shift Solenoid C (SSC)
32 7G484 PWM solenoid valve Shift Solenoid E (SSE)
33 7G484 PWM solenoid valve Shift Solenoid D (SSD)
34 7H185 Bracket — shift control solenoid hold down
35 W500211 Screws M6 x 12 (7 required)
36 W500012 Screw M6 x 14 (2 required)
37 7G391 Body — solenoid shift throttle pressure

Case Assembly

Item Part Number Description
1 7D071 Parking pawl shaft
2 7A441 Parking brake pawl
3 7D070 Pawl return spring
4 W706892-S300 Case dowels
5 7005 Case
6 7H389 Case orifice plug
7 7B148 Service identification tag
8 7M101 Turbine Shaft Speed (TSS) sensor
9 W500214-S300 Bolt M6-1 x 20
10 W706316-S300 O-ring
11 W703961-S309 Case stud
12 7L282 Rubber vent cap
13 7A246 Breather tube
14 7F206 Overdrive (O/D) band anchor stud
15 1177 Differential seal
16 1/8-27 Hex socket
17 Connector 1/4 x 5/8 x 22.9
18 7B362 Case dowel pins
19 7D028 Servo piston return spring
20 7D021 Intermediate and overdrive servo piston and seal assembly
21 W500214-S300 Screws M6-1 x 20
22 7D027 Intermediate O/D band servo cover
23 7D024 Intermediate O/D servo cover seal
24 7F251 Neutral/drive accumulator piston
25 7G300 Neutral/drive shift accumulator outer spring
26 7G395 Neutral/drive shift accumulator inner spring
27 7F251 1-2 shift accumulator piston
28 7G267 1-2 shift accumulator outer spring
29 7G326 1-2 shift accumulator inner spring
30 W701515-S309 Line tap plug
31 7N148 Oil transfer tube
32 7G101 Park pawl actuating abutment
33 7D419 Park pawl actuating plate

Snap Rings

Item Part Number Description
1 7D483 Ring — reverse clutch retaining
2 7D483 Ring — low/reverse clutch plate retaining (select fit)
3 7H106 Ring — final drive retainer
4 7H365 Ring — forward clutch balance piston
5 7D483 Ring — forward/direct clutch plate retaining (select fit)
6 7D483 Snap ring — front sun gear
7 7D483 Ring — low One-Way Clutch (OWC) retaining
8 7D483 Ring — reverse clutch retaining (select fit)
9 7H363 Snap ring — direct clutch balance piston
10 7D483 Ring — forward/direct clutch planet retaining
11 7H075 Ring — reverse clutch spring retaining
12 7D483 Ring — forward/direct clutch plate retaining (select fit)
13 7H361 Snap ring — rear planet assembly


  1. Using the Drive Pinion Bearing Cone Installer, install the final drive input gear bearing.
    1. Install the final drive input gear bearing.
    1. Install the Drive Pinion Bearing Cone Installer.

  1. Using an arbor press, the Bearing/Oil Seal Plate and the Drive Pinion Bearing Cone Installer, seat the final drive input gear bearing.

  1. Install a new collapsible spacer.

  1. Using the Drive Pinion Bearing Cup Installer, position the final drive input gear.

  1. NOTICE: Hold the final drive input gear while installing the final drive input gear bearing to prevent it from falling out of the transaxle case or damage to the input gear can occur.

    Rotate the transaxle 180 degrees.

  1. Using the Drive Pinion Bearing Cup Installer and Differential Fluid Seal Installer, install the final drive input gear bearing.

  1. Rotate the transaxle 180 degrees.
  1. Using the Final Drive Input Gear Holding Tool, lock the final drive input gear.

  1. Rotate the transaxle 180 degrees.
  1. NOTE:

    A high tightening torque of approximately 200 Nm (148 lb-ft) is necessary to crush the collapsible spacer for correct bearing preload.


    If the preload is too high, a new collapsible spacer must be installed.

    Using the Wrench Guide Plate and Final Drive Input Nut Socket, tighten the nut in small increments to achieve a turning torque of 0.55-0.85 Nm (4.9-7.5 lb-in).

  1. Rotate the transaxle 180 degrees.
  1. NOTE:

    Make sure that the final drive rotates.

    Unlock the Final Drive Input Gear Holding Tool.

  1. Rotate the transaxle 180 degrees.
  1. NOTICE: Make sure the bearing preload is between 0.55-0.85 Nm (4.9-7.5 lb-in) or bearing failure can occur.


    Rotate the gear 10 times to make sure that the bearings are correctly seated.

    Using the Wrench Guide Plate and Final Drive Input Nut Socket, measure the rotating torque.
    • Rotational torque is 0.55-0.85 Nm (4.9-7.5 lb-in).

  1. After achieving the correct rotating torque specification, remove the Wrench Guide Plate and Final Drive Input Nut Socket and stake the nut to prevent movement.

  1. Rotate the transaxle 180 degrees.
  1. Position the transfer shaft gears in the transaxle case.

  1. Install the parking pawl return spring.

  1. Connect the spring.
    1. Install the parking pawl abutment.
    1. Install the lever.
    1. Install the pin.
    1. Connect the spring.

  1. Install the parking pawl assembly cover and bolts.
    • Tighten to 13 Nm (115 lb-in).

  1. Install the differential case assembly.

  1. Position the bearing cups.

  1. Install the Differential/Transfer Gear Bearing Shim Gauge and Shim Selection Set.

  1. NOTICE: Do not use the bolts from Shim Selection Set 308-164, they will not work. Use only the bolts from Shim Selection Set 308-161 or damage to the transaxle case threads can occur.


    The converter housing cover must be installed evenly or an incorrect reading will result.

    Using the Shim Selection Set, assemble the transaxle for end play measurement.
    1. Position the converter housing.
    1. Install the Shim Selection bolts and seat the case cover flat.
      • Tighten to 5 Nm (44 lb-in).

  1. Remove the converter housing.
    1. Remove bolts.
    1. Remove the converter housing.

  1. Remove the Differential/Transfer Gear Bearing Shim Gauge and Shim Selection Set.

  1. Remove the bearing cups.

  1. NOTE:

    If the plunger is above the contact surface, the reading will be incorrect.

    To determine the correct transfer shaft shim, measure the depth of the plunger on the Differential/Transfer Gear Bearing Shim Gauge and select the correct transfer shaft shim. For additional information, refer to Specifications in this section.

  1. NOTE:

    If the plunger is above the contact surface, the reading will be incorrect.

    To determine the correct differential shaft shim, measure the depth of the plunger on the Differential/Transfer Gear Bearing Shim Gauge and select the correct differential shaft shim. For additional information, refer to Specifications in this section.

  1. Using the Transfer Gear Bearing Cup Installer and Handle, install the correct transfer shaft shim and bearing cup into the converter housing.

  1. Using the Differential Bearing Cup Installer and Handle, install the correct differential shaft shim and differential case bearing cup into the converter housing.

  1. Apply a 1 mm (0.039 in) thick bead of silicone sealer to the case half.

  1. NOTICE: Failure to apply threadlock and sealer to the bolts can result in a transmission fluid leak.

    Position the converter housing on the transaxle case. Apply threadlock and sealer to the 5 bolts. Install and hand-tighten the bolts in the transaxle case.

  1. Install the rest of the converter housing-to-transaxle case bolts and tighten all of the bolts.
    • Tighten to 22 Nm (16 lb-ft).

  1. Install the intermediate/overdrive band servo piston return spring.

  1. Install the intermediate/overdrive servo piston.

  1. Install the O-ring seal.

  1. NOTE:

    The 3 bolts must be loosely installed, then tightened in a crisscross sequence to compress the intermediate/overdrive spring evenly.

    Install the intermediate/overdrive band servo cover and bolts.

    • Tighten to 13 Nm (115 lb-in).

  1. Install the park pawl assembly and bolt.
    • Tighten to 13 Nm (115 lb-in).

  1. NOTE:

    Lubricate the O-ring with transmission fluid prior to assembly.

    Install the new O-rings on the manual control lever shaft.

  1. Install the manual control lever shaft.

  1. NOTE:

    The roll pin does not need to sit flush with the park pawl assembly.

    Install a new manual control lever shaft roll pin.

  1. Loosely install the Transmission Range (TR) sensor.

  1. NOTE:

    The neutral drive accumulator springs are thinner than the 1-2 accumulator springs.

    Install the thinner and longer neutral drive accumulator springs.

  1. Install the neutral drive accumulator piston.

  1. Install the 1-2 accumulator springs.

  1. Install the 1-2 accumulator piston.

  1. Inspect the seals. Lubricate the seals in transmission fluid. Install the transaxle internal harness electrical connector.

  1. NOTE:

    Make sure that the manual valve is in the manual control valve selector lever.


    Do not fully tighten the bolts at this stage.

    Install the main control valve body.

  1. Tighten the main control valve body bolts.
    • Tighten the bolts in the sequence shown.
      • Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

  1. NOTE:

    It is necessary to connect the connectors in the same positions as noted in disassembly. Connector color letters are cast in the solenoid body.

    Install the main control wiring harness, connect the electrical connectors and install the main control ground wire bolt.

    1. Shift Solenoid C (SSC) , color N (White)
    1. Shift Solenoid E (SSE) , color G (Green)
    1. Shift Solenoid D (SSD) , color L (Blue)
    1. Line Pressure Control (LPC) , color B (Black)
    1. Shift Solenoid A (SSA) , color N (Natural)
    1. Shift Solenoid B (SSB) , color B (Black)
    • Tighten the main control ground wire bolt to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).

  1. Install the transmission fluid filter.

  1. Connect the Transmission Fluid Temperature (TFT) sensor.

  1. NOTE:

    Do not use more than the specified amount of sealer on the transmission fluid pan or internal transaxle damage could occur.

    Apply a bead 1.5 mm (0.059 in) diameter of silicone sealer to the transmission fluid pan.

  1. Install the transmission fluid pan.
    • Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).

  1. Rotate the transaxle 180 degrees.
  1. Install the low/reverse clutch piston.

  1. NOTE:

    Be sure the low/reverse clutch return spring is installed so that the tabs are facing up.

    Install the low/reverse clutch return spring.

  1. Install the wave spring.

  1. Install the low One-Way Clutch (OWC) inner race.

  1. NOTE:

    The opening of the retaining ring must be at the 10 o'clock position.

    Install the low OWC retaining ring.

  1. Install the low/reverse plates and pressure plate.

  1. Install the low reverse clutch plate selective retaining ring.
    • Using a feeler gauge, measure the clutch clearance.
    • Compare the low reverse clutch pack clearance to the specification (2.2-2.5 mm [0.0866-0.0984 in]). If the clutch pack clearance is not within specification, select and install the correct size selective retaining ring to obtain the specified clearance.

  1. NOTE:

    Make sure that the snap ring is installed before installing the planet assembly.

    Install the planet assembly.

  1. NOTICE: If the planet assembly is installed correctly, the edge of the planet assembly will fit flush with the transaxle case. If the planet assembly does not fit flush with the transaxle case, further assembly will cause damage to the transaxle.

    Inspect the planet assembly installation.

  1. NOTE:

    The planet assembly must only rotate counterclockwise. If the planet assembly rotates clockwise, then the OWC was not installed correctly.

    Check to make sure that the OWC is correctly installed.

    • Rotate the planet assembly clockwise and counterclockwise.

  1. Install the intermediate/Overdrive (O/D) drum assembly.

  1. Install the intermediate/O/D band.

  1. Install the direct clutch cylinder thrust bearing with the rollers facing up.

  1. Install new end cover-to-case seals.

  1. Install new end cover seals.

  1. Install the direct clutch hub bearing shim and an additional shim to increase the total shim thickness to specification shown or greater.

  1. NOTICE: Failure to support the transaxle end cover in the center can result in inaccurate measurements causing damage to the transaxle.

    Measure the gap between the transaxle end cover and the transaxle assembly.

    1. Position the transaxle end cover on the transaxle assembly.
    1. Support the transaxle end cover in the center.
    1. Measure the gap between the transaxle end cover and the transaxle assembly.

  1. Remove the transaxle end cover.

  1. NOTE:

    The clearance for the direct clutch bearing shim is 0.25-0.50 mm (0.009-0.019 in).


    The correct shim thickness is between minimum and maximum.

    Choose and install the correct direct clutch hub bearing shim:
    • Line 1: total amount of shim thickness used during transaxle end cover mock up.
    • Line 2: measure the gap between transaxle end cover and transaxle case.
    • Line 3: subtract Line 2 from Line 1 to obtain the actual clearance.
    • Line 4: subtract 0.25 mm (0.009 in) from Line 3 for maximum shim thickness.
    • Subtract 0.50 mm (0.019 in) from Line 3 for the minimum thickness shim.

  1. NOTICE: Applying too much silicone sealer in the area of the fluid return holes may cause the fluid return holes to become blocked and cause a transmission failure.

    Apply a 1 mm (0.039 in) bead of silicone sealer to the transaxle end cover.

  1. Install the transaxle end cover.
    • Tighten to 22 Nm (16 lb-ft).

  1. Using the Transmission Band Select Gauge, collapse the intermediate/O/D band.
    • Tighten to 5 Nm (44 lb-in), then back out three and a half turns.

  1. Holding the Transmission Band Select Gauge, lightly seat the nut against the transaxle case, then remove the Transmission Band Select Gauge without changing the relationship of the nut on the bolt.

  1. Using the Transmission Band Select Gauge, select an intermediate/O/D band bolt that measures from the end of the bolt to the face of the nut as shown.

  1. NOTE:

    Apply thread sealer to the bolt.

    Install the intermediate/O/D band anchor bolt.

    • Tighten to 45 Nm (33 lb-ft).

  1. Rotate the transaxle 180 degrees.
  1. Install the forward clutch hub.

  1. Install the forward clutch assembly.

  1. Install the forward clutch thrust washer.

  1. Install new pump seals and lubricate with clean transmission fluid.

  1. Install the pump (do not force the pump down at this time).

  1. NOTICE: Failure to apply threadlock and sealer to the bolts can result in a transmission fluid leak.

    Apply threadlock and sealer to the bolts and install the pump-to-case bolts.

    • Use the bolts to seat the pump.
    • Tighten the bolts in a crisscross pattern.
    • Tighten to 30 Nm (22 lb-ft).

  1. Install the Output Shaft Speed (OSS) sensor.
    • Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).

  1. NOTE:

    Apply thread sealer to the bolt.

    Install the Turbine Shaft Speed (TSS) sensor.

    • Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).

  1. Using the Transmission Range Sensor Alignment Tool, align the TR sensor and tighten the bolts.
    • Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).

  1. NOTICE: Do not use air tools on this bolt. Hold the manual control lever while tightening the manual control lever bolt. Damage to the manual control lever shaft will occur.

    Install the manual control lever bolt.

    • Tighten to 30 Nm (22 lb-ft).

  1. Install the vent cap past the second detent notch. Be sure the vent moves up and down freely.

  1. Using the Axle Oil Seal Installer and Handle, install the LH halfshaft seal.

  1. Using the Output Shaft Seal Installer and Handle, install the RH halfshaft seal.

  1. Install the differential opening cover.

  1. Using the Torque Converter Handles, install the torque converter.

  1. Using the Torque Converter Retainer, secure the torque converter.

  1. Remove the Transmission Mounting Bracket from the transaxle.

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