Ford Focus Service Manual: Seat Cushion Heater Mat
NOTICE: Do not reinstall any heater mat after removal. The adhesive will not
adhere correctly to the foam pad, causing it to bunch up or shift out of place.
A new heater mat must be installed. Failure to follow these instructions can result
in seat component damage and system failure.
- NOTICE: Do not install a new heater mat on a front passenger seat cushion.
If a new cushion heater mat is needed on the front passenger seat, an Occupant
Classification System (OCS) system service kit equipped with a heater mat must
be installed. Failure to follow this instruction may result in incorrect operation
of the OCS system. For additional information, refer to Occupant Classification
Sensor in Section 501-20B.
Remove the seat cushion cover. For additional information, refer to Seat
Cushion Cover — Front in this section.
- Disconnect the cushion heater mat electrical connector.
- NOTICE: Do not use a razor knife or other sharp tool to separate the
heater mat from the foam pad. Damage to the foam pad may result. Install a new
foam pad if torn or burned.
NOTICE: If installing a new foam pad, the heater mat cannot be reused.
A new heater mat must be installed. Failure to follow this instruction may result
in component or system failure.
A new heater mat can be attached to the foam pad where the
old heater mat was removed but a used heater mat should not be reattached to
any foam pad.
Carefully peel and remove the cushion heater mat from the seat cushion foam
pad and discard.
- If reusing the cushion foam pad, take precautions not to remove excess
foam when peeling off the heater mat. If the foam pad is damaged, install
a new foam pad and a new heater mat.
- Inspect the cushion foam pad for damage. If damaged, remove the cushion
foam pad from the cushion frame and discard.
- If damaged, install a new cushion foam pad to the cushion frame.
When adhering the heater mat to the foam pad, be sure to
position the heater mat so it is straight and free of any wrinkles that may
show through the material once the trim cover is reinstalled.
Install the heater mat to the foam pad.
- Remove the paper strips from the new heater mat.
- Align the heater mat square to the cushion foam pad.
- Apply the heater mat flat on the foam pad surface without any wrinkles
and correctly tuck into the valley of the foam pad.
- Connect the seat cushion heater mat electrical connector.
- Install the seat cushion cover. For additional information, refer to Seat
Cushion Cover — Front in this section.
NOTICE: Do not reinstall any heater mat after removal. The adhesive will not
adhere correctly to the foam pad causing it to bunch up or shift out of place. A
new heater mat must be insta ...
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