Ford Focus Service Manual: Powertrain/Drivetrain Mount Neutralizing
Refer to the appropriate section and procedure for special instructions
on loosening and tightening mount fasteners.
- With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. For additional information,
refer to Section 100-02.
- Loosen, but do not remove, the powertrain/drivetrain mount fasteners.
- Lower the vehicle.
- NOTICE: Do not twist or strain the powertrain/drivetrain mounts or damage
to the mounts may occur.
Start the vehicle and move it in forward 0.6-1.2 m (2-4 ft). Then move the
vehicle in reverse the same distance.
- Raise and support the vehicle.
- Tighten the powertrain/drivetrain mount fasteners.
- Lower the vehicle.
- Test the system for normal operation.
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and out-of-round before fitting a piston.
Select a piston size based on the cylinder bore.
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