Ford Focus manuals

Ford Focus Service Manual: Engine - 2.0L - Disassembly

Ford Focus Service Manual / Powertrain / Engine / General Information / Engine - 2.0L - Disassembly

Special Tool(s)

Alignment Plate, Camshaft 303-465 (T94P-6256-CH)

Holding Tool, Crankshaft Damper 303-1416

Holding Tool, Flywheel 303-103 (T74P-6375-A)

Installer, Connecting Rod 303-462 (T94P-6136-AH)

Remover, Oil Seal
303-409 (T92C-6700-CH)

Timing Peg, Crankshaft TDC 303-507

Item Specification
Motorcraft® Metal Surface Prep ZC-31-A
Motorcraft® Silicone Gasket Remover ZC-30

NOTICE: Do not loosen or remove the crankshaft pulley bolt without first installing the special tools as instructed in this procedure. The crankshaft pulley and the crankshaft timing sprocket are not keyed to the crankshaft. The crankshaft, the crankshaft sprocket and the pulley are fitted together by friction, using diamond washers between the flange faces on each part. For that reason, the crankshaft sprocket is also unfastened if the pulley bolt is loosened. Before any repair requiring loosening or removal of the crankshaft pulley bolt, the crankshaft and camshafts must be locked in place by the special service tools, otherwise severe engine damage can occur.

NOTICE: During engine repair procedures, cleanliness is extremely important. Any foreign material, including any material created while cleaning gasket surfaces that enters the oil passages, coolant passages or the oil pan, can cause engine failure.


Due to the precision fit and timing of the balancer shaft assembly, it cannot be removed from the engine block.


For additional information, refer to the exploded view under the Assembly procedure in this section.

Vehicles equipped with a manual transaxle

  1. WARNING: The
    clutch disc and clutch pressure plate are heavy and may fall if not held when the bolts are removed. Failure to follow this instruction may result in serious personal injury.

    NOTICE: Loosen the bolts evenly to prevent pressure plate damage.

    Remove the 7 bolts, clutch pressure plate and clutch disc.

All vehicles

  1. Install the Flywheel Holding Tool and remove the flywheel or flexplate.

  1. Mount the engine on a suitable engine stand.
  1. Loosen the bolt and remove the accessory drivebelt idler pulley.

  1. Remove the 3 bolts and the coolant pump pulley.

  1. Remove the 3 bolts and the coolant pump.

  1. Disconnect the heater hose and lower radiator hose from the thermostat housing.

  1. Disconnect the Engine Oil Pressure (EOP) switch electrical connector.

  1. Remove the 4 bolts and the oil filter adapter.
    • Discard the gasket.

  1. Disconnect the 4 coil-on-plug and Camshaft Position (CMP) sensor electrical connectors.

  1. Position the rubber boot aside and disconnect the Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT) sensor electrical connector.

  1. Disconnect the 4 fuel injector electrical connectors and detach the wiring harness retainers from valve cover stud bolts and intake manifold.

  1. Remove the 2 bolts and the fuel rail with the fuel injectors.

  1. Disconnect the Knock Sensor (KS) electrical connector and pin-type retainer.

  1. Disconnect the Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor electrical connector.

  1. If equipped, disconnect the swirl control valve solenoid electrical connector.

  1. Disconnect the EGR valve electrical connector and if equipped, disconnect the swirl control valve sensor electrical connector.

  1. Remove the bolt and the oil level indicator tube.
    • Discard the O-ring seal.

  1. Remove the lower intake manifold bolt.

  1. NOTE:

    The 2 intake manifold bolts differ in length from rest of the bolts and also retain a crash bracket to the intake manifold. The 2 bolts are equipped with an attachment feature that allows them to be loosened but remain attached to the intake manifold. Do not attempt to remove the 2 bolts or the crash bracket from the intake manifold.

    Loosen the 2 intake manifold bolts.

  1. Remove the 5 intake manifold bolts.

  1. NOTICE: If the engine is repaired or replaced because of upper engine failure, typically including valve or piston damage, check the intake manifold for metal debris. If metal debris is found, install a new intake manifold. Failure to follow these instructions can result in engine damage.

    Squeeze the 2 PCV hose connector tabs and disconnect the PCV hose from the intake manifold.

    • Remove the intake manifold.

  1. Remove the EGR tube.

  1. Remove the radio interference capacitor bracket bolt and position the bracket aside.

  1. Disconnect the EGR valve coolant hose.

  1. Disconnect the coolant bypass hose.

  1. Remove the 4 bolts and the coolant outlet.

  1. Disconnect the coolant bypass hose.

  1. Remove the 3 bolts, thermostat housing and thermostat.

  1. Remove the 2 bolts, stud bolt and the A/C compressor.

  1. Remove the bolt and the KS .

  1. Remove the 8 bolts and the crankcase vent oil separator.

  1. If equipped, remove the engine block heater.

  1. Remove the 4 bolts and the ignition coil-on-plugs.

  1. NOTICE: Only use hand tools when removing or installing the spark plugs, damage can occur to the cylinder head or spark plug.

    Remove the spark plugs and the CHT sensor.

  1. Remove the bolts and the valve cover.

  1. NOTICE: Failure to position the No. 1 piston at Top Dead Center (TDC) can result in damage to the engine. Turn the engine in the normal direction of rotation only.

    Using the crankshaft pulley bolt, turn the crankshaft clockwise to position the No. 1 piston at Top Dead Center (TDC) .

    • The hole in the crankshaft pulley should be in the 6 o'clock position.

  1. NOTICE: The Camshaft Alignment Plate is for camshaft alignment only. Using this tool to prevent engine rotation can result in engine damage.


    The camshaft timing slots are offset. If the Camshaft Alignment Plate cannot be installed, rotate the crankshaft one complete revolution clockwise to correctly position the camshafts.

    Install the Camshaft Alignment Plate in the slots on the rear of both camshafts.

  1. Remove the engine plug bolt.

  1. NOTE:

    The Crankshaft TDC Timing Peg will contact the crankshaft and prevent it from turning past TDC . However, the crankshaft can still be rotated in the counterclockwise direction. The crankshaft must remain at the TDC position during disassembly.

    Install the Crankshaft TDC Timing Peg.

  1. NOTICE: The crankshaft must remain in the Top Dead Center (TDC) position during removal of the pulley bolt or damage to the engine can occur. Therefore, the crankshaft pulley must be held in place with the Crankshaft Damper Holding Tool and the bolt should be removed using an air impact wrench (1/2-in drive minimum).

    NOTICE: The crankshaft sprocket diamond washer may come off with the crankshaft pulley. The diamond washer must be replaced, remove and discard the diamond washer. If the diamond washer is not installed, engine damage may occur.

    Using the Crankshaft Damper Holding Tool and an air impact wrench, remove the crankshaft pulley.
    • Remove and discard the crankshaft pulley bolt and washer.
    • Remove the crankshaft pulley.
    • Remove the diamond washer and discard.

  1. NOTICE: Use care not to damage the engine front cover or the crankshaft when removing the seal.

    Using the Oil Seal Remover, remove the crankshaft front seal.

  1. Remove the 2 bolts and the CKP sensor.

  1. Remove the 22 bolts and the engine front cover.

  1. Compress the timing chain tensioner in the following sequence.
    1. Using a small pick, release and hold the ratchet mechanism.
    1. While holding the ratchet mechanism in the released position, compress the tensioner by pushing the timing chain arm toward the tensioner.
    1. Insert a paper clip into the hole to retain the tensioner.

  1. Remove the 2 bolts and the timing chain tensioner.

  1. Remove the RH timing chain guide.

  1. Remove the timing chain.

  1. Remove the 2 bolts and the LH timing chain guide.

  1. NOTICE: Do not rely on the Camshaft Alignment Plate to prevent camshaft rotation. Damage to the tool or the camshaft can occur.

    Using the flats on the camshaft to prevent camshaft rotation, remove the bolts and the camshaft sprockets.

  1. Remove the oil pump drive chain tensioner.
    1. Release the tension on the tensioner spring.
    1. Remove the tensioner and the 2 shoulder bolts.

  1. NOTE:

    Remove and discard the crankshaft sprocket diamond washer located behind the crankshaft sprocket.


    The oil pump chain sprocket must be held in place.

    Remove the oil pump chain and sprockets.
    1. Remove the bolt.
    1. Remove the chain and sprockets.

  1. Mark the position of the camshaft lobes on the No. 1 cylinder for assembly reference.

  1. NOTICE: Failure to follow the camshaft loosening procedure can result in damage to the camshafts.


    Mark the location and orientation of each camshaft bearing cap.

    Remove the camshafts from the engine.
    • Loosen the camshaft bearing bolts in the sequence shown, one turn at a time. Repeat until all the tension is released.
    • Remove the camshaft bearing caps.
    • Remove the camshafts.

  1. NOTE:

    If the camshafts and valve tappets are to be reused, mark the location of the valve tappets to make sure they are assembled in their original positions.

    Remove the valve tappets.

  1. NOTE:

    The number on the valve tappets only reflects the digits that follow the decimal. For example, a tappet with the number 0.650 has the thickness of 3.650 mm.

    Inspect the valve tappets. For additional information, refer to Section  303-00.

  1. Remove the cylinder head.
    • Remove and discard the 10 cylinder head bolts.
    • Remove the cylinder head.
    • Remove and discard the cylinder head gasket.

  1. Remove the cylinder head alignment dowels.

  1. NOTICE: Do not use metal scrapers, wire brushes, power abrasive discs or other abrasive means to clean the sealing surfaces. These tools cause scratches and gouges that make leak paths. Use a plastic scraping tool to remove all traces of the head gasket.


    Observe all warnings and cautions and follow all application directions contained on the packaging of the silicone gasket remover and the metal surface prep.


    If there is no residual gasket material present, metal surface prep can be used to clean and prepare the surfaces.

    Clean the cylinder head-to-cylinder block mating surface of both the cylinder head and the cylinder block in the following sequence.
    1. Remove any large deposits of silicone or gasket material with a plastic scraper.
    1. Apply silicone gasket remover, following package directions, and allow to set for several minutes.
    1. Remove the silicone gasket remover with a plastic scraper. A second application of silicone gasket remover may be required if residual traces of silicone or gasket material remain.
    1. Apply metal surface prep, following package directions, to remove any traces of oil or coolant, and to prepare the surfaces to bond with the new gasket. Do not attempt to make the metal shiny. Some staining of the metal surfaces is normal.
  1. Support the cylinder head on a bench with the head gasket side up. Check the cylinder head distortion and the cylinder block distortion. For additional information, refer to Section  303-00.
  1. Remove the 13 bolts and the oil pan.

  1. Remove the 6 bolts and the crankshaft rear seal with retainer plate.

  1. Remove the 2 bolts, oil pump pickup tube and gasket.
    • Discard the gasket.

  1. Remove the 4 bolts and the oil pump.

  1. Remove the Crankshaft TDC Timing Peg.

  1. Before removing the pistons, inspect the top of the cylinder bores. If necessary, remove the ridge or carbon deposits from each cylinder using an abrasive pad or equivalent, following manufacturer's instructions.
  1. NOTE:

    Clearly mark the connecting rods, connecting rod caps and connecting rod bearings in numerical order for correct orientation for reassembly.

    Remove the connecting rod cap bolts and cap.

  1. NOTICE: Do not scratch the cylinder walls or crankshaft journals with the connecting rod.

    Using the Connecting Rod Installer, remove the piston/rod assembly from the engine block.

    • Repeat the previous 2 steps until all the piston/rod assemblies are removed from the engine block.

  1. Remove the bolts in the sequence shown.
    • Remove the main bearing beam.
    • Discard the bolts.

  1. Remove the crankshaft from the engine block.

  1. NOTE:

    If the main bearings are being reused, mark them in order for correct orientation and reassembly.

    Remove the main bearings from the main bearing beam.

  1. NOTE:

    If the main bearings are being reused, mark them in order for correct orientation and reassembly.


    The center bulkhead has the thrust bearing.

    Remove the main bearings from the cylinder block.

  1. NOTE:

    If the oil squirters are being reused, mark them in order for correct location during reassembly.


    The front bulkhead does not have an oil squirter.

    Remove the 4 oil squirters.

  1. Inspect the cylinder block, main bearing beam, pistons and connecting rods. For additional information, refer to Section  303-00.
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