Ford Focus manuals

Ford Focus Service Manual: Direct Clutch

Special Tool(s)

Compressor, Spring Washer 307-209

Dial Indicator Gauge With Holding Fixture 100-002 (TOOL-4201-C)

Item Specification
Motorcraft® MERCON® LV Automatic Transmission Fluid XT-10-QLVC (US); CXT-10-LV12 (Canada) MERCON® LV

Item Part Number Description
1 7D483 Selective retaining ring
2 7B066 Direct clutch pressure plate
3 7B164 Friction plates
4 7B442 Steel plates — forward clutch separator
5 7H363 Snap ring
6 7H359 Direct clutch balance piston
7 7F235 Direct clutch return spring
8 7A262 Direct clutch piston
9 7H335 Bearing — direct clutch thrust
10 7F283 Cylinder assembly — direct clutch


  1. Remove the direct clutch pressure, friction and steel plates.
    1. Remove the selective retaining ring.
    1. Remove the plates.

  1. Using the Spring Washer Compressor, remove the snap ring.

  1. Remove the direct clutch balance piston.

  1. Remove the direct clutch return spring.

  1. NOTICE: If damage is found on the direct clutch piston seals, install a new direct clutch piston.

    Remove and inspect the direct clutch piston.


  1. Soak the internal spline clutch plates in clean transmission fluid.
  1. Inspect the direct clutch piston bore surfaces for nicks or scratches. Install a new direct clutch piston if necessary.
  1. Lubricate with clean transmission fluid and install the direct clutch piston.

  1. Install the direct clutch return spring.

  1. Install the direct clutch balance piston.

  1. Using the Spring Washer Compressor, install the snap ring.

  1. Install the direct clutch pressure, friction and steel plates.
    1. Install the plates.
    1. Install the selective retaining ring.

  1. Measure the clutch pack clearance.
    1. Install the direct clutch on the transaxle end cover.
    1. Install the Dial Indicator Gauge With Holding Fixture on the transaxle end cover and position the Dial Indicator plunger on the pressure plate.
    1. Using a suitable tool, lift up on both sides of the clutch pack and measure and record the clutch pack clearance on the Dial Indicator in 3 different areas. Average the measurements.

  1. Compare the direct clutch pack clearance to the specification (1.0-1.3 mm [0.039-0.051 in]). If the clutch pack clearance is not within specification, select and install the correct size retaining ring to obtain the specified clearance.

    Part Number Thickness
    XS4Z-7D483-CA 1.15-1.25 mm (0.045-0.049 in)
    XS4Z-7D483-CB 1.35-1.45 mm (0.053-0.057 in)
    XS4Z-7D483-CC 1.55-1.65 mm (0.061-0.064 in)
    XS4Z-7D483-CD 1.75-1.85 mm (0.068-0.072 in)
    XS4Z-7D483-CE 1.95-2.05 mm (0.076-0.080 in)
    XS4Z-7D483-CF 2.15-2.25 mm (0.084-0.088 in)
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