Make sure that you dispose of old batteries in an environmentally friendly way.
Seek advice from your local authority regarding recycling.
Remote control with a folding key blade
1. Insert a screwdriver as far as possible into the slot on the side of the remote control, push it towards the key blade and remove the key blade.
2. Twist the screwdriver in the position shown to start separating the two halves of the remote control.
3. Twist the screwdriver in the position shown to separate the two halves of the remote control.
Do not touch the battery contacts or the printed circuit board with the screwdriver.
4. Carefully prise out the battery with the screwdriver.
5. Install a new battery (3V CR 2032) with the + facing downwards.
6. Assemble the two halves of the remote control.
7. Install the key blade.
Remote control without a folding key blade
Type 1
1. Insert a screwdriver into the recess on the back of the key and remove the key blade.
2. Release the retaining clips with the screwdriver and separate the two halves of the remote control.
Do not touch the battery contacts or the printed circuit board with the screwdriver.
3. Carefully prise out the battery with the screwdriver.
4. Install a new battery (3V CR 2032) with the + facing upwards.
5. Assemble the two halves of the remote control.
6. Install the key blade.
Type 2
1. Slide the release slider in the direction of the arrow.
2. Remove the key blade.
3. Twist the screwdriver in the position shown to separate the two halves of the remote control.
Do not touch the battery contacts or the printed circuit board with the screwdriver.
4. Carefully prise out the battery with the screwdriver.
5. Install a new battery (3V CR 2032) with the + facing downwards.
6. Assemble the two halves of the remote control.
7. Install the key blade.
Ford Focus Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) Depowering and Repowering
Special Tool(s)
Vehicle Communication Module (VCM) and Integrated Diagnostic System
software with appropriate hardware, or equivalent scan tool
Depowering Procedure
probe the electrical connectors on airbag, Safety Canopy or side air curt ...