Do not modify the electrical system of your vehicle in any way. Have repairs to the electrical system and the replacement of relays and high current fuses carried out by properly trained technicians.
Switch the ignition and all electrical equipment off before touching or attempting to change a fuse.
Fit a replacement fuse with the same rating as the one you have removed.
Note: You can identify a blown fuse by a break in the filament.
Note: All fuses, except high current fuses are a push fit.
Note: A fuse puller is located in the lid of the engine compartment fuse box.
Ford Focus Battery, Mounting and Cables Principles of Operation
Battery Eye Operation
The battery eye indicates the state-of-charge of the battery by responding to
the specific gravity of a single battery cell electrolyte. The battery eye has a
viewing plate, 2 colored balls of different specific gravity and a small passage.
As the state-of-charge and sp ...