Ford Focus Service Manual: Brake System - General Information
The brake system consists of the following components:
- Fixed brake pedal
- Front disc brake system
- Brake master cylinder and fluid reservoir
- Mechanical parking brake system
- Rear drum brake system
- Red brake light indicator
- Vacuum-assisted power brake booster
For information on:
- the hydraulic brake actuation system, refer to Section 206-06.
- the front disc brakes, refer to Section 206-03.
- the parking brake actuation system, refer to Section 206-05.
- the ABS, refer to Section 206-09.
- the rear drum brake system, refer to Section 206-02.
- the vacuum assisted power brake booster, refer to Section 206-07.
Special Tool(s)
Vehicle Communication Module (VCM) and Integrated Diagnostic System
(IDS) software with appropriate hardware, or equivalent scan tool
Material ...
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